Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This piece of shit also known as our interior secretary decided to follow through with the idiotic Bush administration's plan to de-list wolves!
If you didn't know last spring they were delisted and hunted and it was a bunch of FUCKING BULLSHIT!!
They were put back on the list because it makes no fucking sense for them to be off of it when there are only 1500 wolves in the northern Rockies. So what does this douche "Ken Salazar" do he decides he wants to take them off again because there are so many fucking reasons to
NO he is an idiot!
1. The amount of ranching throughout the northern Rockies that are in areas that wolves could be is very little. Yet the entire fucking state of IDAHO believes that there cow is going to be killed.
Well even if it does woopy fucking do
3. We need more wolves throughout the Rocky Fucking Mountains we only have one fucking wolf in Colorado if this shit passes we won't have any Estes Park being the "elk lovers" they are wont have wolves in Rocky Mountain State park because we enjoy the elk coming through our yards eating our gardens attacking our cars and kids and we are so in touch with nature, SUCK MY BALLS!
4. If we had wolves in Estes Park a 5 million dollar plan total! we wouldn't have to spend the 6 million tax dollars coming out of mine and your pay checks on getting people to shoot the elk every 10 years, on top of that the disease and famine of those stupid elk is just going to grow more and more SO GOD DAMMIT FUCK THIS PIECE OF SHIT GOVERNMENT AND THEIR MISINFORMED MINDS TOWARDS ANIMALS

Monday, March 2, 2009


as in I have something to share. Many people know I love Silverstein with a passion. Yet i really don't think anyone understands. This band can make me feel infinite, invincible and just endless. I can be living a shit day, and for some reason they just take it all away from me, put me in such a good spot where I feel whole again, I feel of worth I feel important, I feel like my possibilities are endless and the weight of the fucking world isn't on my back. The classes, the work, the studying , and all of the FUCKING SHIT IN MY DAY IS ACCEPTED AND I LEARN TO LIVE AGAIN!!!
I get so damn depressed sometimes, but if i listen to just one song I feel so righteous.
If you have a band like that let me know and we can talk.
I just want the world to know what this band is to me.
What this band does for me.