Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eat, Sleep, Repeat

Its funny how things come into your life when you need them most. You can completely neglect something and find it a waste until one day when it just fits. Just like that missing puzzle piece you find underneath the couch from that Saturday of boredom months ago.
I can't help but feel like sometimes a person has no idea how they truly feel until something clicks. Just like how you don't know how much you loved someone until they walk out. Or how much you would of changed if you knew that this would happen. I feel like sometimes i wear a mask so much i don't even know i am wearing it. This happens until i discover something and my mask falls off and is lost. I am not one to cover up my emotions, because as my dad would say holding resentments only hurts yourself. But sometimes I want to live like my worlds fucking awesome extreme gnar gnar!!!!! In respect to other lives all around the world I have it great, and i am well aware of it. So when I tell myself to stop being a bitch about whatever it is and forget about, I tuck it inside somewhere deep. So when these songs christened my ears i couldn't help but realize my true emotions on my life at the current time. Which to be honest was pure loneliness. At this time i had very few friends because all the ones i was used to being around were too busy smoking weed. It wasn't even the fact that i was against being around it, cause i wasn't. I didn't really enjoy it but i dealt with it because i would have a good fucking time even around a bunch of mindless stoners. I grew from this album though it through me in a state where i realized that I can only grow from here so I did. So like the album says "KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND DON'T GIVE UP LIKE ALL THE FOOLS WHO PLAY IT SMART, LOSE YOUR HEAD JUST FOR YOUR HEART" In the end i hate routine and this was what my life felt like and this what this album spoke.

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