Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When Broken Is Easily Fixed

From the ages of 13 to 14 a lot of bad was in my house. My parents fought all the time, mainly my mom just going berserk on my Dad for no reason. I think it was her way of feeling less guilty for ruining the family little by little. No kid can enjoy a divorce. You're parents are your safe house that relationship they have is the biggest influence on your day to day actions. You know that whatever you do you have the safety and happiness of your Mom and Dad. When that is gone you have no fucking clue what to do.
I would just lay in my room and listen,over and over and over the same fucking songs. These songs were what made me cope. That and Pokemon haha you have to love Pokemon. But these songs let me vent, I don't know what it was but i felt relieved after thrashing around my room singing/whining these songs. These songs subconsciously replaced just a part of what my parents had destroyed. I finally felt just a bit safe, i felt i didn't have to lash out and drink or do anything radical like most kids. I felt like these songs were my friend and were rubbing my back telling me everything will be fine.

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